Our end of year Graduation ceremony is a unique and personal celebration where family and friends of the Lance Holt community come together for a farewell of each individual Year 6 student to honour their journey throughout their primary school years. The night includes performances from each class group as well as a community feast. It is a very personal evening with each individual graduate speaking of their experiences and our Year 6 Teacher responding to them.
“It is so terrific to see how little children who are shy to come on stage blossom and grow into the stunning young people who are our graduates. Each one is fundamentally individual and each one sits on the foundations of a schooling that will make them amazing contributors to our community. But what touched me the most was how they all acknowledged that the Lance Holt years were the happiest, best years of their young lives. I’m sure they will remain vivid and nourishing for all of them for the rest of their lives.”
Year 3 Parent of Lance Holt