Wendy Candy

C0-Principal | BA (Early Childhood) | BEd Conversion (1st class honours) | EdD Candidate

Wendy is our Co-Principal, working alongside Bek

Wendy is an accomplished educator and leader dedicated to creating innovative and responsive learning environments that honour child agency and foster collaboration. She believes children are strong, competent, and resourceful citizens with inherent rights. As a leader, she prioritises the well-being of children and staff and passionately advocates for play-based and inquiry-based pedagogies.

Her goals include working within a democratic school system that emphasises relational pedagogies grounded in trust, collaboration, and continuous improvement. By forming meaningful partnerships with children, families, and the community, she helps build a community of learners focused on collective growth.

She prioritises time for collaborative discussions and collective decision-making, enabling the community to work towards shared goals. She is committed to supporting the professional development of others while also enhancing her leadership skills.

Ultimately, she strives to make a significant contribution to the field of education.