Nicole Chambers
Literacy Specialist | BA Speech & Hearing Therapy (Wits, SA), Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (MSPA-CPSP) with Speech Pathology Australia
Nicole is the Literacy Specialist at Lance Holt School.
Nicole is the literacy specialist and she is also a current school parent. Nicole trained in Speech and Hearing Therapy at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa and is a practising Certified Speech Pathologist here is in Australia. Nicole brings a wealth of experience and fun to the Lance Holt students and loves seeing their literacy skills go from strength to strength.
“We are Freo locals and love the beach, the history, the port, the people and the lifestyle around Freo. My daughter and I can often be seen around the place riding our bicycles and enjoying this blessed life. Our home is made that much warmer by our furry ginger friend, Marmalade Harry, who keeps us full up with laughs, fun and cuddles.”