All teachers employed by Lance Holt School are registered with the Teachers Registration Board of WA. They are committed to the values and philosophy of the school and to providing best teaching practice. Staff attend and contribute to regular professional development, including conferences and workshops, and subscribe to professional journals to keep abreast of current educational innovations. Staff meet on a weekly basis to ensure the smooth running of the school.
“I love working at Lance Holt School because it feels like a large, supportive family, where children are respected, nurtured and valued as individuals.” Seth Yeoman, Year 5/6 teacher.

Bek Garwood

Wendy Candy

Seth Yeoman
Year 5/6 Teacher

Debra Salahuddeen
Year 3/4 Teacher

Evangeline Vieira-Miller
Year 1/2 Teacher

Sarah Alfano
Pre Primary Teacher

Annabelle Williams
Kindy Teacher

Louise Snook
Visual Arts Teacher

Jasmine Royle
PE Teacher

Nicole Chambers
Literacy Specialist

Fernando Desiati
Italian Teacher

Libby Tregurtha
Education Assistant

Hannah Brown
Education Assistant

Brooke Edlinger
Education Assistant (PE)

Rebecca Perrin
Office Manager