Manjaree (Bathers Beach) visit 1

Bathers Beach, Fremantle

The first Manjaree (Bathers Beach) visit for this term for our Pre-Primary and Year One students. This provides our students the wonderful opportunity to participate in a nature-based program at our local beach. Visiting our Wild Place of Manjaree (Bathers Beach) once a fortnight, affords the children opportunities to develop a sense of wonder, explore […]

School Council AGM 2021

Lance Holt School 10 Henry Street, Fremantle, WA, Australia

School Council AGM

Bush School for Y2/3

Lance Holt School 10 Henry Street, Fremantle, WA, Australia

Bush School is an integral part of our learning. Every Friday the Year 2 and Year 3 students are out and about in the local bushland environments. This provides an opportunity not only to strengthen our knowledge of nature but also to take our otherwise indoor learning outside. Numeracy, science, english, geography, history and the […]

Boola Bardip at WA Museum

WA Museum Perth Cultural Centre, Perth, WA, Australia

The Year 3/4 class will visit the WA Museum to see the Boola Bardip exhibition. Karen, our Visual Arts Teacher will be attending this excursion with the class to integrate this with our Art sessions.

Incursion to Water Corporation

Lance Holt School 10 Henry Street, Fremantle, WA, Australia

The Water Corporation will be visiting our Pre-Primary and Year 1 class on this day. This incursion is to help the students explore and understand our Water Supply System.

Manjaree (Bathers Beach) PP/Y1

Bathers Beach, Fremantle

The Pre-Primary and Year One classes spend the afternoon on a Wednesday learning amongst nature at Bathers Beach. For more information please contact the Pre-Primary or Year One teacher or the School Office.

Bush School (Term 2)

This term the Year 3 and Year 2 classes will spend each Friday working in the natural environment. These will be held at various locations around Perth.  The students will need to be equiped with clothing for all types of weather and have a hearty lunch and plenty of water for the day. For more […]